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NAtionwide Support


Stronghold Food Pantry was created to help and give the gift of strength and dignity to fellow military families. We understand the difficulty of stretching a dollar and how a safe, welcoming, and supportive interaction can impact our community. If you are a military family currently serving who needs help putting food on the table, we are here for you.


This is a family grocery sign-up for military service members and families needing extra support. Completing this anonymous form allows you to reserve a place on the grocery delivery (or curb-side pickup) list. Please answer all questions on the form to help us better assist you and your family’s needs.


Any personal information gathered will never be shared with outside organizations, and you will remain anonymous. Stronghold is a 100% volunteer-operated non-profit 501(c)(3) with limited funding.


While we would like to assist everyone, we ask for your understanding.

Contact Us

Mailing Address:

Stronghold Food Pantry

P.O. Box 291

Leavenworth, KS 66048

Connect with us

Thanks for subscribing!

Stronghold Food Pantry (EIN: 88-4313753)  is a  Section  501( c)( 3)  tax-exempt charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Code and is a registered nonprofit corporation in Kansas. All donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Unless otherwise specifically indicated, no goods or services were provided in exchange for contributions. 

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